There are many traffic laws and plans that are implemented but yet people are not aware about it. One such law that people are not aware about is laws for governing speed breakers. There are few governing bodies and even citizens that are aware about these laws.
It is important to explain the importance of speed breakers and its implementation because, speed breakers are one of most essential and used traffic management equipment that are used for better management of on-going traffic.
First let us know, how does speed breakers help traffic management?
Helps in slowing down the traffic at heavy traffic roads and placed near schools and hospitals so that people can cross roads easily.
Also placed near toll booths & entry and exits and narrow roads to ensure that motorist slow down their speed.
Speed breakers are one such traffic management device which uses vertical deflection to slow down vehicles passing over them. Then why at times are speed breakers bad when they ensure good traffic management?
Unplanned and Illegal speed breakers are bad because :-
Causes rapid wear and tear of vehicles
Slows down emergency vehicles like ambulances, police vehicles and fire trucks.
Can cause vehicles (especially 2 wheelers) to skid and cause a collision due to loss of control.
Cause traffic congestion and sudden braking
May scrape the underside of low floor cars
Causes an increase in noise pollution due to sudden braking, honking, vehicle parts and traffic congestion
Reduces fuel efficiency and increases air pollution of vehicles.
The impact can be harmful for patients in transit, senior citizens and pregnant women.
While these speed breakers should be placed as per the laws, the ideal speed breaker should be a rounded (of 17 metre radius) hump of 3.7 metre width and 0.10 metre height that helps in crossing the speed breaker at 25 kmph for general traffic. However, constructing or installing a speed breaker will alone not help in better traffic management. Proper road signages should be installed so that drivers can be aware about the speed breaker before hand and can prepare themselves.
7M has always been concerned about the unplanned and illegal speed breakers that prevents from better traffic management. Therefore, 7M has manufactures plastic, rubber and steel speed breakers that justifies your demand. To get the best speed breaker for your purpose, contact us today and get your best offer today.